2021美國大學申請表Coalition VS. Common Application
除了UC加洲大學,CSU加州州立大學,或是其他數間大學有自己的申請表以外,近千所美國大學都使用Coalition application 或是Common application做為申請者填寫申請表遞交的平台,那麼你應該選擇哪個做填寫呢?
那麼我們來先了解甚麼是Common Application? 甚麼是Coalition Application?
Common Application簡稱Common App,早在1975年就開始被美國大學所使用作為申請表的提供。允許申請者一次可以申請最多20間大學。申請費的計算是逐一學校累計的,大約一間是美金$25 - $90左右。
比起Common App的申請表,Coalition Application算是比較新上線的申請表,他的全名是: Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success 。從2016年起才開始被多間大學使用,雖然數量不比Common App的多,但是全部8所常春藤名校Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, The University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University and Yale University都使用Coalition Application。包括其他名校Stanford University, the University of Chicago, Duke University, and Johns Hopkins University也都開放申請者使用Coalition Application。值得注意的是Coalition Application所羅列的學校都是願意提供獎助學金給有需要的學生,因此這也可以當作一個選擇表單的參可值。
很多時候大學會同時開放申請者使用Common App或是Coalition Application來填寫申請表,並表示任一申請表沒有優於另一份申請表。當然也有大學指定使用Coalition Application而不接受Common App,像是Rutgers, the University of New Mexico, UT Austin, and the University of Washington。
Coalition Application特別之處
Coalition Application上有個特別的功能是Coalition App's locker,這是Common App所沒有的,這是方便申請者從9年級開始就可以將有助於自己申請的資訊,像是Essays, Graded Paper, Writing Sample, Video等依序放進這個Locker裡面供日申請時使用,而且無容量上限。你也可以將老師、家長都一起串連到你的Coalition account上,獲得多方的申請協助與指導。
當然也因為Coalition的功能比較新穎,所以在操作與使用上需要多點心思才能真正熟悉所有的功能與介面,對於已經很焦慮的申請者來說可能在使用上沒有那麼直接與順手,這也是為什麼儘管有兩個申請平台可以使用,非必要同學們還是傾向於使用Common App來完成申請,而且老師們可能也更加熟悉Common App的操作介面。
Common Application特別之處
另外一個許多大學愛好使用Common Application的申請表一大原因是上面有一篇Personal Statement要請所有申請者撰寫,目前的設計是七題選一題來寫:
- 1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, please share your story.
- 2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
- 3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
- 4. Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma — anything of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
- 5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
- 6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
- 7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.
如果你想要準備的是Coalition Application上的Essay,那麼你可以參考以下:
- 1. Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.
- 2. Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution.
- 3. Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs?
- 4. What is the hardest part of being a student now? What’s the best part? What advice would you give a younger sibling or friend (assuming they would listen to you)?
- 5. Submit an essay on a topic of your choice.
Common App在Additional Information欄位新增跟疫情有關的題目供學生自由選擇性撰寫
Community disruptions such as COVID-19 and natural disasters can have deep and long-lasting impacts. If you need it, this space is yours to describe those impacts. Colleges care about the effects on your health and well-being, safety, family circumstances, future plans, and education, including access to reliable technology and quiet study spaces.
- Do you wish to share anything on this topic? Y/N
- Please use this space to describe how these events have impacted you.
而學校的School Counselor也在School Form上有一個欄位
Your school may have made adjustments due to community disruptions such as COVID–19 or natural disasters. If you have not already addressed those changes in your uploaded school profile or elsewhere, you can elaborate here. Colleges are especially interested in understanding changes to:
- Grading scales and policies
- Graduation requirements
- Instructional methods
- Schedules and course offerings
- Testing requirements
- Your academic calendar
- Other extenuating circumstances
Your students will have a similar space in their application to share how these events have affected them personally.
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